Hamlin County, South Dakota

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Hamlin County, South Dakota is a county located in the U.S. state of South Dakota. Established in 1873 and organized in 1878, the county is named after Hannibal Hamlin, who served as Vice President of the United States under Abraham Lincoln. The county seat is Hayti, and its largest city is Castlewood.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Hamlin County is situated in the northeastern part of South Dakota and covers an area of approximately 538 square miles. The landscape is predominantly characterized by its rural plains, which are used primarily for agriculture. The county is bordered by Codington County to the north, Deuel County to the east, Brookings County to the south, and Kingsbury County to the west.

Demographics[edit | edit source]

As of the census of 2020, Hamlin County has a population of around 6,000 residents. The demographic composition is predominantly White, with small percentages of Hispanic, Native American, and other racial groups.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The economy of Hamlin County is largely driven by agriculture, particularly the cultivation of crops such as corn and soybeans, and livestock farming. The county also has a number of small businesses that serve the local community, including retail shops, restaurants, and service providers.

Education[edit | edit source]

Hamlin County is served by several school districts, which provide education from elementary through high school. The largest of these is the Hamlin School District, which operates schools in both Hayti and Castlewood.

Transportation[edit | edit source]

The county is accessible by several major roads, including South Dakota Highway 28, which runs east-west through the center of the county, and South Dakota Highway 22, which runs north-south. These highways connect Hamlin County with neighboring counties and facilitate the transport of goods and services.

Government[edit | edit source]

The government of Hamlin County operates under a commissioner form of government, with elected officials responsible for various aspects of county administration, including law enforcement, public works, and social services.

Culture and recreation[edit | edit source]

Hamlin County offers various recreational opportunities, including hunting, fishing, and hiking. The county is home to several parks and recreational areas, where residents and visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of the South Dakota plains.

See also[edit | edit source]


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