Henderson House (Dumfries, Virginia)

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Henderson House is a historic home located in Dumfries, Virginia, a small town known for its significant history and as one of the oldest continuously chartered towns in Virginia. The house is an exemplary representation of early American architecture and has played a notable role in the history of Dumfries and the surrounding Prince William County.

History[edit | edit source]

The construction date of Henderson House is not precisely documented, but architectural analysis and historical records suggest it was built in the late 18th or early 19th century. The house is named after its most notable residents, the Henderson family, who were prominent figures in the local community. Over the years, the Henderson House has witnessed significant historical events and changes, reflecting the broader history of Dumfries and the United States.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

Henderson House is an excellent example of colonial architecture, featuring characteristics typical of the period. The structure is primarily made of wood, with a gabled roof and a symmetrical facade. The interior of the house retains many original features, including hardwood floors, fireplaces, and woodwork, offering insights into the lifestyle and craftsmanship of the era.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The Henderson House holds significant historical and architectural value. It is a tangible link to Dumfries' past, offering insights into the town's development, the lives of its residents, and the broader historical context of the region. The house is often cited in discussions of colonial architecture and is a key asset in the study of Virginia's historical homes.

Preservation[edit | edit source]

Recognizing its historical and architectural significance, efforts have been made to preserve Henderson House. These efforts ensure that the house remains a part of Dumfries' heritage and is accessible to future generations interested in the history and architecture of the region.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD