
How to Solve It

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How to Solve It is a seminal book in the field of mathematics, written by the Hungarian mathematician George Pólya in 1945. The book is considered a classic in the realm of problem solving and has been influential not only among mathematicians but also among professionals in other fields, including education, computer science, and psychology. Pólya's work outlines a general approach to solving problems, offering strategies that can be applied to a wide range of disciplines.

Summary[edit | edit source]

How to Solve It suggests a four-step procedure for solving mathematical problems, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Understand the problem: This initial step involves ensuring that the solver fully comprehends every aspect of the problem. Key questions to ask include identifying the unknowns, the data, and the conditions of the problem.
  2. Devise a plan: Once the problem is understood, the next step is to figure out how to tackle it. This might involve recalling similar problems, considering special cases, or breaking the problem down into more manageable parts.
  3. Carry out the plan: This step involves executing the chosen strategy. It requires careful attention to detail and the application of mathematical techniques and concepts.
  4. Look back: The final step encourages the solver to review the solution, understand how it was achieved, and consider the possibility of finding a simpler or more general solution.

Pólya's methodology emphasizes the importance of a systematic approach to problem-solving, encouraging solvers to be both creative and critical in their thinking.

Influence and Legacy[edit | edit source]

The influence of How to Solve It extends beyond mathematics. Its principles have been adapted for use in various educational curricula around the world, particularly in the teaching of mathematics and critical thinking. The book has also inspired numerous other works in the field of problem-solving and has been cited as a foundational text in the development of algorithmic thinking in computer science.

In addition to its practical applications, Pólya's work has contributed to the study of heuristics, the branch of psychology concerned with how people make decisions and solve problems. How to Solve It has been praised for its accessible approach to complex problems, making it a valuable resource not only for mathematicians but for anyone interested in improving their problem-solving skills.

Editions and Translations[edit | edit source]

Since its initial publication in 1945, How to Solve It has been reprinted multiple times and translated into several languages, reflecting its enduring popularity and relevance. The book's straightforward language and clear examples have made it a staple in the libraries of problem solvers around the globe.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Categories[edit | edit source]

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