Jeremy Hillary Boob

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Jeremy Hillary Boob, Ph.D. in %22Yellow Submarine%22 (1968)

Jeremy Hillary Boob, Ph.D. is a fictional character from the 1968 animated film Yellow Submarine. Voiced by Dick Emery, Jeremy is a small, blue, humanoid creature with a flair for poetry, mathematics, and philosophy. Often referred to as the "Nowhere Man" by other characters in the film, Jeremy lives in the desolate, surreal landscape of the Sea of Nothing, where he engages in his intellectual pursuits.

Character Overview[edit | edit source]

Jeremy Hillary Boob is introduced to the audience when the film's protagonists—John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr—find themselves in the Sea of Nothing during their quest to save Pepperland from the music-hating Blue Meanies. Despite his initial appearance as a lonely and somewhat pitiful figure, Jeremy quickly endears himself to the group with his wit, intelligence, and the unique ability to solve complex problems with ease. His knowledge spans a wide array of subjects, making him a valuable ally in the Beatles' quest.

Role in Yellow Submarine[edit | edit source]

Throughout Yellow Submarine, Jeremy's talents are showcased in various ways. He assists the Beatles in navigating the challenges posed by the fantastical environments they encounter, using his intellect and creativity to overcome obstacles. His character serves as a symbol of the power of knowledge and the importance of intellectual curiosity. Jeremy's journey with the Beatles also reflects his personal growth; from a solitary figure in the Sea of Nothing, he becomes an integral part of the group, finding companionship and purpose.

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Jeremy Hillary Boob's character has left a lasting impression on fans of Yellow Submarine and the Beatles' legacy. He represents the ideal of the Renaissance man, capable of contributing to various fields of study and art. His memorable catchphrase, "Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!" encapsulates his thirst for knowledge and his dynamic approach to life's mysteries. Jeremy has been interpreted as a commentary on the value of intellectual pursuits and the role of the intellectual in society.

In Popular Culture[edit | edit source]

Jeremy Hillary Boob has been referenced in various forms of media and Beatles' memorabilia. His character has inspired merchandise, including figures and artwork, and has been discussed in the context of Beatles history and the broader cultural impact of Yellow Submarine. His enduring popularity underscores the film's significance as a cultural artifact and its ability to resonate with audiences across generations.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD