Kelly West Award

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Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology is a prestigious accolade in the field of epidemiology, named in honor of Dr. Kelly West, a renowned figure known for his significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of diabetes mellitus. The award is presented annually by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the epidemiological study of diabetes, including advancements in the prevention, understanding, and management of the disease.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Kelly West Award was established to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of diabetes epidemiology. Dr. Kelly West, often referred to as the "father of diabetes epidemiology," was instrumental in advancing the study of the epidemiology of diabetes, which laid the groundwork for much of the current understanding and treatment of the condition. The award in his name seeks to honor those who continue to push the boundaries of epidemiological research in diabetes.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria[edit | edit source]

Candidates for the Kelly West Award are evaluated based on their contributions to the epidemiological study of diabetes, including research, publication of significant findings, and the application of these findings to improve public health. Nominees are typically professionals in the field of epidemiology who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in research related to diabetes. The selection is made by a committee within the American Diabetes Association, considering the impact of the nominee's work on the field.

Award Ceremony[edit | edit source]

The Kelly West Award is presented during the annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, a major conference that gathers healthcare professionals, researchers, and scholars in the field of diabetes from around the world. The award recipient is given the opportunity to deliver the Kelly West Lecture on a topic of their choice, related to diabetes epidemiology, at the conference.

Notable Recipients[edit | edit source]

The list of recipients of the Kelly West Award includes some of the most distinguished figures in the field of epidemiology, who have made significant contributions to the understanding and management of diabetes through their research and public health efforts.

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Impact[edit | edit source]

The Kelly West Award has played a crucial role in highlighting the importance of epidemiological research in understanding diabetes. By recognizing outstanding contributions in this field, the award encourages continued research and innovation in epidemiology, with the ultimate goal of improving the prevention, diagnosis, and management of diabetes worldwide.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD