Khortytsia (company)

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Khortytsia (also known as Khortytsia Distillery) is a Ukrainian company that specializes in the production of alcoholic beverages, particularly vodka. It is named after the island of Khortytsia, which is located in the Dnieper River in central Ukraine.

History[edit | edit source]

The Khortytsia company was established in 2003 in Zaporizhzhia, a city in southeastern Ukraine. Since its inception, the company has grown to become one of the largest vodka producers in the world. The company's products are exported to over 87 countries worldwide.

Products[edit | edit source]

Khortytsia's product line includes a variety of vodkas, including classic, premium, and flavored vodkas. The company also produces other alcoholic beverages such as bitters, liqueurs, and brandies. Some of the company's most popular products include Khortytsia Classic, Khortytsia Platinum, and Khortytsia Ice.

Khortytsia Classic[edit | edit source]

Khortytsia Classic is the company's flagship product. It is a traditional Ukrainian vodka made from high-quality grain alcohol and purified water.

Khortytsia Platinum[edit | edit source]

Khortytsia Platinum is a premium vodka that is made using a special filtration process. This process gives the vodka a smooth and refined taste.

Khortytsia Ice[edit | edit source]

Khortytsia Ice is a flavored vodka that is infused with mint. This vodka is designed to be served chilled and is popular in cocktails.

Production Process[edit | edit source]

Khortytsia uses a unique production process that combines traditional distillation techniques with modern technology. The company's vodkas are made from high-quality grain alcohol, which is distilled multiple times to ensure purity. The alcohol is then mixed with purified water and filtered through charcoal to remove any impurities. The resulting vodka is then bottled and ready for distribution.

Awards and Recognition[edit | edit source]

Over the years, Khortytsia has received numerous awards for its products. In 2011, the company's Khortytsia Platinum vodka was awarded the gold medal at the International Wine and Spirit Competition.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD