Knowle Hospital

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Knowle Hospital was a psychiatric hospital located in Fareham, Hampshire, England. Established in the mid-19th century, it was originally known as the Hampshire County Lunatic Asylum. Over the years, the hospital underwent several name changes and expansions before finally closing in the late 20th century. The site has since been redeveloped for residential use, but its history remains a significant part of the local heritage.

History[edit | edit source]

The foundation of Knowle Hospital can be traced back to the 1850s, when the need for a new lunatic asylum to serve the county of Hampshire was recognized. The construction of the Hampshire County Lunatic Asylum, as it was initially called, began in 1852 and was completed in 1856. The design of the hospital followed the then-popular corridor plan, which allowed for easy segregation of different classes of patients and facilitated the management of the institution.

Throughout its operation, the hospital underwent several expansions to accommodate the growing number of patients. These expansions included the addition of new wards, recreational facilities, and service buildings. The hospital was also at the forefront of adopting new treatment methods and was known for its progressive approach to psychiatric care.

In the early 20th century, the hospital was renamed Knowle Mental Hospital, reflecting a change in the terminology used to describe psychiatric institutions. It underwent another name change in the mid-20th century to Knowle Hospital, by which it was known until its closure.

The hospital was decommissioned in the 1990s as part of a wider move towards community-based care for people with mental health issues. The buildings and grounds were sold, and the site has since been redeveloped into a residential area known as Knowle Village.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

The architecture of Knowle Hospital was typical of Victorian asylums, featuring a grand main building with long, sprawling wings. The design was intended to be both functional and therapeutic, with large windows and spacious grounds that provided patients with plenty of fresh air and natural light. The hospital's layout facilitated the segregation of patients by gender and the severity of their conditions, a common practice in psychiatric care at the time.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

The closure of Knowle Hospital marked the end of an era in psychiatric care in Hampshire. The site's redevelopment into Knowle Village has preserved some of the original buildings, which have been converted into homes and community facilities. This transformation has allowed the historical significance of the site to be retained while providing a new purpose for the buildings.

The history of Knowle Hospital is a reminder of the evolution of psychiatric care and the changing attitudes towards mental health over the years. It serves as a case study in the move away from institutional care towards more integrated community-based services.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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