Laccaria laccata

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Laccaria laccata G4 (3).JPG
Laccaria laccata (4501591685).jpg
Laccaria laccata G4 (1).JPG
Laccaria laccata (29119117746).jpg

Laccaria laccata, commonly known as the Deceiver, is a species of mushroom belonging to the family Hydnangiaceae. It is widely distributed across North America, Europe, and Asia, thriving in both deciduous and coniferous forests. This mushroom is recognized for its adaptability to various environmental conditions and its role in mycorrhizal relationships with trees, aiding in nutrient exchange and soil health.

Description[edit | edit source]

Laccaria laccata features a cap that ranges from 2 to 10 cm in diameter, initially convex before flattening out with age, often with a slight central depression. The cap's color can vary significantly, from pinkish to orange or reddish-brown, contributing to its common name as the Deceiver, as it can be easily confused with other species. The gills are spaced and attached to the stem, showing a similar coloration to the cap but becoming darker with age due to the spore color. The stem is slender, measuring 6 to 12 cm in height, and bears the same color as the cap, though it may lighten towards the base.

The spores of Laccaria laccata are broadly ellipsoid, measuring 7-10 by 6-7 µm, and feature a distinctive spiny surface. This characteristic aids in the identification of the species under a microscope.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Laccaria laccata is a cosmopolitan species, found in a wide range of forest types, including both deciduous forests, where it associates with oaks and beeches, and coniferous forests, partnering with pines and firs. It prefers moist, well-drained soils and is often found in mossy areas. The mushroom forms symbiotic mycorrhizal relationships with the roots of trees, facilitating the exchange of nutrients and enhancing the growth and health of its plant partners.

Edibility[edit | edit source]

While Laccaria laccata is considered edible, it is not highly regarded due to its insubstantial flesh and mild flavor. It is sometimes collected for consumption but is more often bypassed by foragers in favor of more flavorful or substantial fungi.

Ecological Role[edit | edit source]

As a mycorrhizal fungus, Laccaria laccata plays a crucial role in forest ecosystems. It helps in the decomposition of organic matter, recycling nutrients back into the soil, and assists in the nutrient uptake of its host plants. This mutualistic relationship is vital for the health of forest ecosystems, contributing to the biodiversity and sustainability of these environments.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

Currently, Laccaria laccata does not face any significant threats and is considered widespread and abundant. However, like many fungi, it could be impacted by changes in forest management practices, pollution, and climate change. Conservation of its habitat, particularly old-growth forests, is essential for the preservation of this species and the complex ecological relationships it supports.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD