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Original author(s)Independent JPEG Group
Developer(s)Independent JPEG Group
Initial release1991
Stable release
  / January
 20, 2021; 3 years ago (2021-01-20)
  • {{URL||optional display text}}Lua error in Module:EditAtWikidata at line 29: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
Written inC
    Lua error in Module:EditAtWikidata at line 29: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
    Operating systemCross-platform
    TypeImage compression
    LicenseCustom license

    libjpeg is a free library written in C that implements the JPEG image encoding and decoding algorithms. It was developed by the Independent JPEG Group (IJG) and is widely used in a variety of software applications for handling JPEG image data.

    History[edit | edit source]

    The libjpeg library was first released in 1991 by the Independent JPEG Group. It has since become the de facto standard for JPEG image compression and decompression in many software applications. The library has undergone several updates and improvements over the years, with the latest version being 9e, released in January 2021.

    Features[edit | edit source]

    Libjpeg provides a range of features for working with JPEG images, including:

    • Encoding and decoding of JPEG image data
    • Support for baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive JPEG formats
    • Conversion between different color spaces, such as RGB and YCbCr
    • Support for various compression levels and quality settings
    • Error handling and recovery mechanisms

    Usage[edit | edit source]

    Libjpeg is used in a wide variety of software applications, including:

    Technical Details[edit | edit source]

    Libjpeg is written in the C programming language and is designed to be portable across different operating systems. It provides a simple and flexible API for developers to integrate JPEG compression and decompression capabilities into their applications. The library is distributed under a custom license that allows for free use and distribution in both open-source and proprietary software.

    See Also[edit | edit source]

    Related Pages[edit | edit source]


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