
List of organic reactions

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List of Organic Reactions

The field of organic chemistry is replete with a myriad of reactions that allow chemists to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones. These reactions are the cornerstone of organic synthesis, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and polymer science. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of organic reactions, highlighting their significance, mechanisms, and applications. Each reaction is a gateway to a vast area of chemical research and has its own set of conditions, reagents, and outcomes.

Addition Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • Diels-Alder Reaction: A cycloaddition reaction between a conjugated diene and a dienophile to form a cyclohexene derivative.
  • Michael Addition: The addition of a carbanion to an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compound.
  • Mannich Reaction: The reaction of an aldehyde with a secondary amine and a ketone or aldehyde to form a β-amino carbonyl compound.

Substitution Reactions[edit | edit source]

Elimination Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • E1 and E2 Reactions: Reactions where the elimination of a leaving group and a hydrogen atom leads to the formation of a double bond.

Rearrangement Reactions[edit | edit source]

Oxidation Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • Jones Oxidation: The oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to carboxylic acids and ketones, respectively, using chromic trioxide.
  • Swern Oxidation: The oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones using oxalyl chloride, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and an amine base.

Reduction Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • Clemmensen Reduction: The reduction of ketones or aldehydes to alkanes using zinc amalgam and hydrochloric acid.
  • Wolff-Kishner Reduction: The reduction of carbonyl compounds to hydrocarbons by hydrazine and then heating with a base.

Pericyclic Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • Cope Rearrangement: A [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement where a 1,5-diene shifts to form a different 1,5-diene.
  • Claisen Rearrangement: A [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of an allyl vinyl ether to a γ,δ-unsaturated carbonyl compound.

Photochemical Reactions[edit | edit source]

  • Paterno-Büchi Reaction: A photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition reaction between a carbonyl compound and an alkene to form an oxetane.

This list represents only a fraction of the myriad reactions that define organic chemistry. Each reaction opens up new possibilities for creating complex molecular architectures, understanding biological processes, and developing new materials and drugs.


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