Lludd Llaw Eraint

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Lludd Llaw Eraint (also known as Lludd Silver Hand) is a prominent figure in Welsh mythology and is often associated with the Mabinogion, a collection of medieval Welsh tales. Lludd is considered a legendary king of Britain and is known for his wisdom and bravery.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The name "Lludd" is derived from the Welsh word "Lleu," which means "bright" or "shining." "Llaw Eraint" translates to "Silver Hand," a title that signifies his strength and valor.

Mythological Background[edit | edit source]

Lludd Llaw Eraint is a central character in the tale of "Lludd and Llefelys," one of the stories in the Mabinogion. He is the son of Beli Mawr and the brother of Llefelys. Lludd is often depicted as a wise and just ruler who faces numerous challenges during his reign.

The Tale of Lludd and Llefelys[edit | edit source]

In the tale, Lludd becomes the king of Britain and faces three plagues that threaten his kingdom. These plagues are:

  1. The Coraniaid: A race of invaders who can hear every conversation.
  2. The scream that comes every May Eve, causing terror and destruction.
  3. The disappearance of provisions from the royal court.

Lludd seeks the help of his brother Llefelys, who is the king of France. Llefelys provides Lludd with solutions to overcome these plagues. They use a special insecticide to defeat the Coraniaid, a magical cauldron to capture the scream, and a trap to catch the thieves stealing the provisions.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Lludd Llaw Eraint is remembered as a symbol of wisdom and resilience in Welsh mythology. His story is often cited as an example of the importance of seeking counsel and the power of brotherly love.

Related Figures[edit | edit source]

  • Beli Mawr - Lludd's father and a significant figure in Welsh mythology.
  • Llefelys - Lludd's brother who aids him in overcoming the plagues.
  • Mabinogion - The collection of medieval Welsh tales that includes the story of Lludd and Llefelys.

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