
MOD Pizza

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MOD Pizza is an American-based fast casual pizza restaurant chain that was founded in 2008. The company specializes in individual, artisan-style pizzas that are then cooked within minutes for the customers. The name "MOD" stands for "Made On Demand".

History[edit | edit source]

MOD Pizza was founded by Scott and Ally Svenson in Seattle, Washington in 2008. The Svensons were inspired by their love of Italian street-style pizza and their desire to provide affordable, custom-made pizzas quickly. They had previously founded the coffee company Seattle Coffee Company which they sold to Starbucks in 1998.

Concept[edit | edit source]

MOD Pizza's concept is simple: customers can create their own pizzas and salads, using any combination of over 30 featured toppings, or they can choose from a menu of pre-designed MOD classics. Pizzas are then cooked in an 800-degree oven in less than 3 minutes. MOD also offers milkshakes, house-made iced teas and lemonades, local craft beer and wine, and more.

Expansion[edit | edit source]

Since its inception, MOD Pizza has grown rapidly and as of 2020, the chain has over 400 locations in the United States and United Kingdom. The company's growth has been fueled by a series of funding rounds, the most recent of which raised $160 million in 2019.

Philanthropy[edit | edit source]

MOD Pizza is also known for its commitment to hiring individuals with special needs and those with a criminal background, providing opportunities for those who are often overlooked by traditional employers. The company also donates a portion of its profits to local charities and community organizations.

See also[edit | edit source]


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