Menard county, IL

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Menard County, Illinois[edit | edit source]

Menard County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 12,705. Its county seat is Petersburg, which is also the largest city in the county. Menard County is part of the Springfield, IL Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Healthcare in Menard County, Illinois[edit | edit source]

Healthcare in Menard County, Illinois is provided by a variety of facilities and services. These include hospitals, clinics, and specialized healthcare centers. The county's healthcare system is designed to meet the needs of its residents, providing both general and specialized care.

Hospitals[edit | edit source]

Memorial Medical Center is a major hospital serving Menard County. Located in nearby Springfield, it offers a wide range of services including emergency care, surgical services, and specialized treatments.

St. John's Hospital, also in Springfield, is another key healthcare provider for Menard County residents. It offers a comprehensive range of services, from primary care to specialized treatments.

Clinics[edit | edit source]

Menard County is home to several clinics that provide primary and specialized care. These include the Menard County Health Department, which offers a variety of services including immunizations, health screenings, and disease prevention programs.

Springfield Clinic in nearby Springfield also serves Menard County residents, offering a wide range of medical specialties and services.

Specialized Healthcare Centers[edit | edit source]

Specialized healthcare in Menard County is provided by a number of facilities. The Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants in Springfield offers specialized heart care, while the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine provides a range of specialized medical services.

HSHS Medical Group offers a variety of specialized services, including endocrinology, gastroenterology, and rheumatology.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Healthcare in Menard County, Illinois is comprehensive and accessible, with a range of facilities and services designed to meet the needs of its residents. From hospitals and clinics to specialized healthcare centers, Menard County's healthcare system is well-equipped to provide high-quality care.

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Primary care[edit source]

Primary Care Menard county, IL

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Menard county, IL - Specialists

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Allied healthcare providers

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Illinois Physician / Provider Directory
Primary Care Providing comprehensive primary care including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Practice, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Pediatrics Doctors in Illinois
Specialists A full spectrum from Addiction Medicine to Urology, representing diverse specialties
Surgeons Expertise across disciplines including Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, and more
Dentists and Other Providers Detailed listing of Dentists, Podiatrists, Chiropractors, and Optometrists alongside other allied healthcare providers
Hospitals An overview of Hospitals in Illinois
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD