Methanosarcinales S-layer Tile Protein

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Methanosarcinales S-layer Tile Protein Figure.jpg

Methanosarcinales S-layer Tile Protein

The Methanosarcinales S-layer Tile Protein is a structural protein found in the cell envelope of archaea belonging to the order Methanosarcinales. This protein is a key component of the S-layer, which is a paracrystalline array that covers the surface of these microorganisms.

Structure[edit | edit source]

The S-layer tile protein in Methanosarcinales is composed of repeating units that form a two-dimensional crystalline lattice. This lattice provides structural integrity and protection to the cell. The protein subunits are typically glycosylated, which can play a role in the stability and function of the S-layer.

Function[edit | edit source]

The primary function of the Methanosarcinales S-layer tile protein is to form a protective barrier around the cell. This barrier helps to maintain cell shape, protect against environmental stress, and may play a role in the selective permeability of the cell envelope. Additionally, the S-layer can be involved in cell adhesion and interaction with the environment.

Biogenesis[edit | edit source]

The biogenesis of the S-layer involves the synthesis of the S-layer proteins in the cytoplasm, followed by their secretion and assembly on the cell surface. The assembly process is highly regulated and involves specific chaperones and transport systems to ensure proper folding and placement of the S-layer proteins.

Genetics[edit | edit source]

The genes encoding the S-layer tile proteins are typically found in clusters within the genome of Methanosarcinales. These gene clusters may include not only the structural genes for the S-layer proteins but also genes involved in their glycosylation and transport.

Applications[edit | edit source]

Understanding the structure and function of the Methanosarcinales S-layer tile protein has potential applications in biotechnology and nanotechnology. The regular and repetitive nature of the S-layer makes it an attractive template for the development of nanomaterials and biosensors.

Related Topics[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD