
Moral nihilism

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Moral nihilism, also known as ethical nihilism, is the meta-ethical view that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Moral nihilists assert that morality is not based on any absolute standards, but rather is the product of human construction and interpretation.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Moral nihilism is a form of nihilism which specifically relates to the ethical or moral values systems. It posits that objective morals, which are viewed as intrinsic, universal, and independent of human opinion, do not exist. This philosophy is often associated with extreme skepticism and a general rejection of moral principles.

Types of Moral Nihilism[edit | edit source]

There are several forms of moral nihilism which include:

  • Error theory: Proposed by philosopher J.L. Mackie in his book "Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong," error theory suggests that although moral claims are common, they are all false as there are no objective moral truths.
  • Expressivism: This form argues that moral statements do not aim to express truths but rather express emotional attitudes or prescriptions about how to act.

Relation to Other Philosophical Views[edit | edit source]

Moral nihilism is related to, but distinct from, other philosophical views such as:

  • Moral relativism, which acknowledges the existence of moral facts but asserts that they are relative to cultural, individual, or circumstantial factors.
  • Moral skepticism, which questions the existence of moral knowledge but does not outright deny the possibility of any moral facts.

Criticism and Debate[edit | edit source]

Moral nihilism faces criticism from various quarters, primarily from moral realists who argue that there are indeed objective moral truths. Critics often contend that moral nihilism leads to moral apathy, where individuals may feel unbound by any moral considerations, potentially leading to unethical behaviors.

Impact on Other Disciplines[edit | edit source]

The implications of moral nihilism extend beyond philosophy into areas such as law, psychology, and sociology, where it challenges the foundational assumptions about human behavior, ethics, and societal norms.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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