Old Stone Church (Lewisburg, West Virginia)

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Old Stone Church in Lewisburg.jpg

Old Stone Church is a historic Presbyterian church located in Lewisburg, West Virginia, within Greenbrier County. Established in 1796, it is one of the oldest churches in West Virginia and is noted for its unique stone construction and significant role in the local history of Lewisburg and the surrounding area. The church is a prominent example of early American religious architecture and has been a central part of the community for over two centuries.

History[edit | edit source]

The Old Stone Church was constructed in 1796 on land donated by John Lewis, one of the founders of Lewisburg. The church was built to serve the growing Presbyterian community in the region, which had been without a permanent place of worship. The use of stone for its construction was both practical, given the material's abundance in the area, and symbolic of the congregation's desire for a lasting place of worship.

Throughout its history, the Old Stone Church has played a vital role in the community. It served as a hospital for both Confederate and Union soldiers during the American Civil War, reflecting its importance to the people of Lewisburg and its strategic location. The church has undergone several renovations and restorations over the years to preserve its historical integrity and accommodate the needs of its congregation.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

The architecture of the Old Stone Church is a fine example of early American church design, characterized by its simple, yet sturdy, stone construction. The building features a traditional rectangular layout, with a gabled roof and a prominent entrance. The interior of the church is noted for its wooden pews, pulpit, and balcony, which retain much of their original character and craftsmanship.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The Old Stone Church is significant not only for its architectural qualities but also for its historical role in the Lewisburg community and the broader region of West Virginia. It has been a place of worship, community gathering, and historical reflection for over two centuries. The church's endurance through pivotal moments in American history, including the Civil War and various periods of social change, speaks to its importance as a historical and cultural landmark.

Preservation[edit | edit source]

Recognizing its historical and architectural significance, the Old Stone Church has been preserved and maintained by various local and historical societies. Efforts to preserve the church have focused on maintaining its original structure and appearance, while also ensuring it remains a functional and welcoming place for worship and community events.

Today[edit | edit source]

Today, the Old Stone Church continues to serve as a place of worship and community gathering. It stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Lewisburg community and the importance of preserving historical landmarks. The church is open to visitors, offering a glimpse into the rich history of the area and the early American religious experience.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD