Original New York Seltzer

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Original New York Selzter Logo

Original New York Seltzer is a brand of soda water that was first produced in 1981 by Alan Miller and his father, Randy Miller, in Walnut, California. The beverage is notable for its small, clear glass bottles, absence of artificial colors or preservatives, and its retro packaging which harks back to the early 20th century. Original New York Seltzer was a pioneer in the boutique soda market, offering a variety of flavors including Root Beer, Vanilla Cream, Raspberry, Peach, Lemon & Lime, Black Cherry, and Cola. The brand quickly gained popularity in the 1980s, becoming a symbol of the decade's vibrant pop culture.

History[edit | edit source]

Original New York Seltzer's inception in the early 1980s marked the beginning of a new era in the beverage industry. The Millers' approach to producing a soda that was free from artificial colors and preservatives was innovative at the time. The brand's marketing strategy, which emphasized its New York roots and the purity of its ingredients, helped it to stand out in a crowded market. By the mid-1980s, Original New York Seltzer was available across the United States, and its distinctive glass bottles were a common sight in offices, cafes, and homes.

Despite its initial success, the brand faced challenges in the late 1980s and early 1990s, including increased competition from larger beverage companies and changing consumer preferences. In the mid-1990s, Original New York Seltzer eventually ceased operations.

In 2015, the brand was revived by Ryan Marsh and Neel Premkumar, who sought to capitalize on the growing trend for healthier, artisanal food and drink products. The relaunched Original New York Seltzer retained the classic flavors and packaging design, while also introducing new flavors and expanding its distribution.

Product Features[edit | edit source]

Original New York Seltzer is known for its simple and natural ingredients, including carbonated water, natural flavors, and cane sugar. The absence of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives set it apart from many other soft drinks available on the market. The beverage is packaged in 10-ounce glass bottles, which are recyclable and have become a signature feature of the brand.

Flavors[edit | edit source]

The brand offers a variety of flavors, some of which include:

  • Root Beer
  • Vanilla Cream
  • Raspberry
  • Peach
  • Lemon & Lime
  • Black Cherry
  • Cola

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Original New York Seltzer holds a nostalgic place in the hearts of those who grew up in the 1980s. Its revival in the 21st century taps into the growing consumer desire for products that are perceived as authentic and artisanal. The brand's history and distinctive packaging have also made it a subject of interest for collectors and enthusiasts of vintage food and drink items.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD