Owsley county, KY

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Owsley County, Kentucky[edit | edit source]

Owsley County is a county located in the Eastern Coalfield region of the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,755, making it the second-least populous county in Kentucky. The county seat is Booneville. The county was organized on January 23, 1843, from Clay, Estill, and Breathitt counties and named for William Owsley (1782–1862), the judge of the Kentucky Court of Appeals and Governor of Kentucky (1844–48).

Healthcare in Owsley County, Kentucky[edit | edit source]

Healthcare in Owsley County, Kentucky is primarily provided by a mix of hospitals, clinics, and private practices. The county's healthcare system is designed to meet the needs of its residents, providing both emergency and routine care.

Hospitals[edit | edit source]

Kentucky River Medical Center is a 55-bed acute care hospital located in Jackson, KY, approximately 30 miles from Owsley County. The hospital offers a range of services including emergency care, surgical services, diagnostic imaging, and rehabilitation services.

Clinics[edit | edit source]

Owsley County Health Care Center is a primary care clinic located in Booneville, KY. The clinic provides a range of services including family medicine, women's health, and pediatric care.

Private Practices[edit | edit source]

There are several private practices in Owsley County, providing specialized care in areas such as dentistry, optometry, and physical therapy. These include Booneville Family Dentistry, Owsley County Eye Care, and Booneville Physical Therapy.

Health Statistics[edit | edit source]

According to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, Owsley County has a higher rate of smoking and obesity compared to the state average. The county also has a higher rate of uninsured individuals. Efforts are being made to improve these statistics through public health initiatives and increased access to healthcare services.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

While Owsley County is one of the least populous counties in Kentucky, it has a robust healthcare system designed to meet the needs of its residents. With a mix of hospitals, clinics, and private practices, residents have access to a range of healthcare services. However, like many rural counties, Owsley County faces challenges related to health behaviors and access to care. Ongoing efforts are being made to address these issues and improve the health of Owsley County residents.

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Primary care[edit source]

Primary Care Owsley county, KY

Provider page Credentials Gender Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties Address Address2 City State ZIP Phone
Evans Kelly 1124107693 F Philadelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine 1995 Family Practice Ky Hwy 11 S Booneville KY 41314 6065936302

Owsley county, KY - Specialists

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Kentucky Physician / Provider Directory
Primary Care Providing comprehensive primary care including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Practice, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Pediatrics Doctors in Kentucky
Specialists A full spectrum from Addiction Medicine to Urology, representing diverse specialties
Surgeons Expertise across disciplines including Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, and more
Dentists and Other Providers Detailed listing of Dentists, Podiatrists, Chiropractors, and Optometrists alongside other allied healthcare providers
Hospitals An overview of Hospitals in Kentucky
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD