Pack yak

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Pack Yak is a Summoning familiar in the MMORPG, RuneScape. It is the highest level beast of burden available to players, requiring a Summoning level of 96 to create and use.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Pack Yak is summoned using a Pack Yak pouch, which is made by combining a Crimson charm with a Yak-hide in a Summoning obelisk. The Pack Yak has a carrying capacity of 30 items, making it extremely useful for activities that require a large inventory space, such as PvE combat and skilling.

Special Move[edit | edit source]

The Pack Yak's special move is called "Winter Storage". This ability allows the player to send one item from their inventory directly to their bank. The special move is activated using a Winter Storage scroll, which can be created by using a Pack Yak pouch on a Summoning obelisk.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Due to its high carrying capacity and special move, the Pack Yak is often used in high-level PvE combat, such as bossing and Slayer tasks. It is also commonly used in skilling activities that produce a large number of items, such as Mining, Fishing, and Woodcutting.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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