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Plesiosauroidea is a superfamily of marine reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, specifically the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. These fascinating creatures are known for their unique body structure, which consisted of a long neck, small head, and a large body with flippers. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, classification, and notable species of Plesiosauroidea.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Plesiosauroidea had several distinct features that set them apart from other marine reptiles of their time. One of the most notable characteristics is their long neck, which contained numerous vertebrae. This allowed them to have exceptional flexibility and maneuverability in the water. Their small heads were equipped with sharp teeth, indicating a carnivorous diet. The body of Plesiosauroidea was large and barrel-shaped, with two pairs of flippers that were used for propulsion through the water.

Classification[edit | edit source]

Plesiosauroidea belongs to the order Plesiosauria, which is further divided into two suborders: Pliosauroidea and Plesiosauroidea. Plesiosauroidea is the more diverse and well-known of the two suborders. Within Plesiosauroidea, there are several families, including Elasmosauridae, Cryptoclididae, and Polycotylidae. Each family contains various genera and species that exhibit unique characteristics and adaptations.

Notable Species[edit | edit source]

One of the most famous species of Plesiosauroidea is Elasmosaurus, which lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Elasmosaurus had an incredibly long neck, estimated to be around 7 meters in length, making it one of the longest necks of any known animal. Another notable species is Cryptoclidus, which lived during the Early Jurassic period. Cryptoclidus had a relatively shorter neck compared to Elasmosaurus but possessed a robust body and powerful flippers.

Internal Links[edit | edit source]

Throughout this article, several internal links have been included to provide additional information on related topics. These links are formatted using double square brackets, such as Plesiosauria and Elasmosaurus. Clicking on these links will redirect the reader to the corresponding articles, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Categories[edit | edit source]

To further organize and classify information, this article has been assigned relevant categories. Some of the categories associated with this article include Marine Reptiles, Mesozoic Era, and Paleontology. These categories help readers navigate through related articles and explore other topics of interest within the same field.

Templates[edit | edit source]

Templates are used to provide consistent formatting and structure across multiple articles. In this article, the Reptile Template has been utilized to present key information about Plesiosauroidea in a standardized manner. This template includes sections for classification, characteristics, and notable species, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly reading experience.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Plesiosauroidea is a fascinating superfamily of marine reptiles that thrived during the Mesozoic Era. Their unique body structure, including a long neck and large body with flippers, set them apart from other marine reptiles of their time. Through the use of internal links, categories, and templates, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Plesiosauroidea, allowing readers to delve deeper into this captivating subject.


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