Pole dance

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Pole dancer performing
Chinese pole acrobats perform
A home version stage pole
Pole dancer using a street pole
A public demonstration of pole dancing techniques

Pole dance is a dynamic form of performance art that integrates dance, acrobatics, and strength training around a vertical pole. Historically linked to strip clubs, its image has undergone a transformative journey in recent years, now finding resonance in fitness circuits and mainstream entertainment spheres.

Historical Background[edit | edit source]

Originating as an act closely associated with strip clubs, pole dance, for many decades, carried a suggestive, adult-themed connotation. Performers utilized the pole as both a prop for striptease and as an instrument for demonstrating athleticism, blending the sensuous with the skilled.

Rise as a Fitness and Mainstream Activity[edit | edit source]

In the 21st century, particularly from the mid-2000s onward, pole dance began to witness a shift in its public perception. Advocates and promoters strived to:

  • Rebrand pole dance as a non-sexual form of dance and acrobatics.
  • Highlight the influences from Chinese pole, an acrobatic art form popularized by circuses.
  • Establish a distinction between the pole dance in commercial adult entertainment settings and the athletic, fitness-centric pole dance.

Consequently, pole dance studios and classes burgeoned across gyms globally, allowing enthusiasts to learn and practice this art form.

Competitive Pole Dance[edit | edit source]

Competitive events, both at amateur and professional tiers, have proliferated across many countries. The following characteristics define these competitions:

  • Emphasis on dance, acrobatics, and gymnastics.
  • Incorporation of diverse dance styles.
  • A focus on athleticism over prurience.

Physical Demands and Benefits[edit | edit source]

Pole dancing, when practiced in its athletic form, necessitates:

To master pole dance, rigorous training becomes imperative, especially for executing advanced moves like climbs, spins, and inversions. It offers a comprehensive workout, serving both aerobic and anaerobic fitness needs.

Modern-day Significance[edit | edit source]

Pole dance's recognition as a potent form of exercise has led to:

  • The establishment of accredited pole dance schools.
  • Introduction of formalized qualifications for trainers.
  • Integration of pole dance in general fitness regimens.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD