

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Primitivo is a dark-skinned grape variety used for making wine. It is known for its rich, full-bodied, and high-alcohol wines with flavors of dark fruit, spice, and sometimes chocolate. Primitivo is most commonly associated with the Apulia region of Italy, where it has been cultivated since the 18th century.

History[edit | edit source]

The origins of Primitivo are believed to be in Croatia, where a similar grape, known as Crljenak Kaštelanski, is grown. DNA profiling has confirmed that Primitivo and Crljenak Kaštelanski, along with the Zinfandel grape of California, are genetically identical. However, despite the genetic similarities, the wines produced from these grapes can vary significantly due to differences in climate, soil, and winemaking techniques.

Viticulture[edit | edit source]

Primitivo is a very vigorous vine, capable of producing high yields if not carefully managed. It buds early and ripens early, hence the name 'Primitivo', which means 'early' in Italian. The grape prefers warm, dry climates and is particularly well-suited to the hot, arid conditions of southern Italy.

Wine Production[edit | edit source]

Primitivo wines are typically high in alcohol and tannin, with robust flavors of dark fruit, spice, and sometimes chocolate. They are often aged in oak to add complexity and soften the tannins. In addition to varietal wines, Primitivo is also used in blends, particularly with Negroamaro and Nero di Troia, two other important red grape varieties of Apulia.

Food Pairing[edit | edit source]

Due to its full-bodied nature and high alcohol content, Primitivo pairs well with hearty, robust dishes. It is particularly well-suited to red meat dishes, such as steak and lamb, as well as rich pasta dishes, like lasagna and ragu.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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