Print Wikipedia

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Print Wikipedia is a project initiated by Michael Mandiberg, an American artist and programmer, to transform the entirety of the English Wikipedia into a printed book format. The project highlights the vastness of Wikipedia's content and the collaborative effort of its contributors.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Print Wikipedia project began in 2015 and aimed to create a physical representation of the English Wikipedia. The project involved converting Wikipedia's digital content into a format suitable for printing, resulting in a massive collection of volumes. Each volume contains approximately 700 pages, and the entire project comprises over 7,473 volumes.

Creation Process[edit | edit source]

The process of creating Print Wikipedia involved several steps:

  • **Data Extraction**: The content of Wikipedia was extracted using MediaWiki's API.
  • **Formatting**: The extracted data was then formatted into a book layout using custom scripts and software.
  • **Printing**: The formatted content was sent to a print-on-demand service to produce the physical volumes.

Exhibitions[edit | edit source]

Print Wikipedia has been exhibited in various art galleries and museums, showcasing the physical volumes and the scale of Wikipedia's content. The project serves as a commentary on the nature of knowledge, the digital age, and the collaborative efforts of Wikipedia's contributors.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The project underscores the enormity of Wikipedia and the collective effort required to maintain and expand it. It also raises questions about the nature of digital versus physical media and the accessibility of knowledge.

Related Projects[edit | edit source]

Print Wikipedia is part of a broader trend of projects that explore the intersection of digital and physical media. Similar projects include:

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Credits:Most images are courtesy of Wikimedia commons, and templates Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY SA or similar.

Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD