
Republican Jewish Coalition

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The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is an American political lobbying group that advocates for Jewish Republicans. The RJC seeks to enhance the ties between the Republican Party and the American Jewish community, while promoting both social and economic policies that align with Jewish values and interests.

History[edit | edit source]

The Republican Jewish Coalition was founded in 1985, with the aim of providing a voice for Jewish Republicans to influence national and local policies. Since its inception, the RJC has grown in influence, engaging in policy advocacy, political campaigning, and public relations efforts to align Jewish communal interests with broader American policy goals.

Objectives and Activities[edit | edit source]

The primary objectives of the RJC include:

  • Advocating for pro-Israel policies within the Republican Party.
  • Supporting Republican candidates who align with the values and policy goals of the RJC.
  • Educating the Jewish community about Republican policies and values.
  • Enhancing Jewish participation in American political life through the Republican lens.

The RJC organizes a variety of activities to achieve these goals, including hosting events with Republican leaders, conducting outreach programs within the Jewish community, and lobbying on legislation relevant to its members.

Membership and Structure[edit | edit source]

Membership in the RJC is open to Jewish individuals who support the Republican Party and endorse the organization's objectives. The RJC is structured with a national office and has multiple state chapters across the United States, each working to influence local and state-level politics and policies.

Impact and Controversies[edit | edit source]

The RJC has been influential in shaping Republican policies towards Israel and in promoting candidates who support these policies. However, the organization has also faced criticism, particularly from those who argue that it prioritizes political allegiance over broader Jewish communal interests. Debates within the Jewish community about the alignment of Jewish values with Republican policies continue to be a point of contention.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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