Rectouterine fold

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Rectouterine fold is a notable anatomical feature within the female pelvis, playing a critical role in the structure and function of the pelvic region. It is also commonly referred to as the pouch of Douglas or Douglas' pouch, named after James Douglas, an anatomist who extensively described this area. The rectouterine fold creates a division in the pelvic cavity, marking the boundary between the rectum and the uterus, and is an essential consideration in gynecological and surgical procedures.

Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The rectouterine fold is formed by the peritoneum, the serous membrane lining the abdominal and pelvic cavities. It drapes over the uterus and extends to the rectum, creating a recess known as the rectouterine pouch. This pouch is the lowest point of the peritoneal cavity in women when they are in the standing position and can accumulate fluid, which has clinical significance in diagnosing various conditions.

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

The rectouterine pouch is of particular interest in medicine for several reasons. It is a site where endometriosis can occur, with endometrial cells implanting outside the uterus and leading to pain and infertility. Fluid accumulation in this pouch, known as culdocentesis, can be indicative of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ruptured ectopic pregnancy, or hemoperitoneum. The accessibility of the rectouterine pouch via the vagina makes it a useful site for certain surgical procedures and diagnostic tests.

Diagnostic and Surgical Relevance[edit | edit source]

The rectouterine fold's anatomical positioning makes it a critical landmark in various diagnostic and surgical procedures. For example, in a culdocentesis, a needle is inserted through the vaginal wall into the rectouterine pouch to sample fluid for diagnostic purposes. This procedure can help diagnose or rule out conditions like ectopic pregnancy or PID. Additionally, the rectouterine pouch is often examined during laparoscopic surgeries for insights into conditions affecting the pelvic organs.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The rectouterine fold, or Douglas' pouch, is a significant anatomical feature with important implications in gynecology and pelvic surgery. Its role in separating the rectum from the uterus and forming the lowest point of the peritoneal cavity in women has clinical importance, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of various pelvic conditions. Understanding its anatomy and function is crucial for healthcare professionals working in fields related to female reproductive health.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD