Selective abstraction

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Selective Abstraction is a cognitive process often discussed in the context of cognitive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy. It involves focusing on a single detail, often taken out of context, while ignoring other more significant aspects of the situation. This cognitive distortion can lead to a skewed perception of events, contributing to negative emotions and behaviors.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Selective abstraction is a type of cognitive distortion where an individual focuses on one element of a situation, disregarding other relevant information. This detail is usually negative and is taken out of context, leading to a distorted view of the whole situation. It is a common issue in various psychological conditions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders.

Mechanism[edit | edit source]

The mechanism behind selective abstraction involves the filtering process of cognition. Individuals with a tendency towards selective abstraction have a cognitive bias that leads them to pay more attention to certain types of information, usually negative, and ignore other data that might contradict or mitigate the negative impression. This can exacerbate or maintain psychological distress.

Examples[edit | edit source]

An example of selective abstraction could be a student who receives feedback on an assignment. If the student focuses solely on a minor negative comment and overlooks the overall positive feedback, they are engaging in selective abstraction. This can lead to undue stress and a distorted perception of their academic abilities.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Selective abstraction can have a significant impact on an individual's emotional well-being. By focusing on negative details, people may experience increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It can also affect decision-making processes and interpersonal relationships, as the distorted perceptions can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

Treatment for selective abstraction typically involves cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to identify and challenge cognitive distortions. Through CBT, individuals learn to recognize when they are engaging in selective abstraction and are taught strategies to consider situations more holistically and realistically. This can help reduce the emotional distress associated with this cognitive distortion.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD