Smolov Squat Routine

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Smolov Squat Routine is a weightlifting program designed to significantly increase the strength of an individual's squat in a relatively short period of time. It was developed in Russia and is named after its creator, Sergey Smolov. The program is known for its high volume and intensity, making it suitable for advanced lifters who have already developed a solid base of strength and squatting technique.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Smolov Squat Routine is divided into several phases, each with a specific focus and structure. The program typically spans 13 weeks, during which the lifter undergoes a series of progressively challenging workouts. The main phases include the Introductory Microcycle, the Base Mesocycle, the Switching Phase, and the Intense Mesocycle.

Introductory Microcycle[edit | edit source]

This initial phase lasts for two weeks and is designed to prepare the lifter's body for the increased volume and intensity of the subsequent phases. It involves squatting three times per week with gradually increasing weights.

Base Mesocycle[edit | edit source]

The Base Mesocycle is the core of the Smolov program and lasts for four weeks. During this phase, lifters squat four times per week with a high volume of sets and reps. The weights used are based on a percentage of the lifter's one-repetition maximum (1RM) and increase each week.

Switching Phase[edit | edit source]

Following the Base Mesocycle, the Switching Phase serves as a two-week deload, allowing the lifter's body to recover while maintaining the gains made. This phase often includes dynamic effort work and lighter squats.

Intense Mesocycle[edit | edit source]

The final phase of the Smolov Squat Routine is the Intense Mesocycle, which lasts for four weeks. It involves squatting three times per week with even higher weights than the Base Mesocycle. The volume is lower, but the intensity is significantly increased, leading up to a new 1RM attempt at the end of the program.

Benefits and Challenges[edit | edit source]

The Smolov Squat Routine is renowned for its ability to produce remarkable increases in squat strength. However, it is also extremely demanding physically and mentally, requiring a high level of commitment, recovery strategies, and proper nutrition. Due to its intensity, it is not recommended for beginners or those with a history of knee or lower back injuries.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Smolov Squat Routine is a highly effective but challenging program designed for experienced lifters looking to significantly improve their squat strength. Its structured phases and progressive overload principle make it a powerful tool for achieving new personal bests in the squat. However, due to its demanding nature, it should be approached with caution and a strong foundation in squatting technique.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD