Syrian Civil War

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Syrian Civil War

The Syrian Civil War is an ongoing multi-sided armed conflict in Syria fought between the Ba'athist Syrian Arab Republic led by President Bashar al-Assad, along with domestic and foreign allies, and various domestic and foreign forces opposing both the Syrian government and each other in varying combinations.

Background[edit | edit source]

The war began in the early spring of 2011 amidst the regional Arab Spring protests when nationwide protests demanding democratic reforms and the release of political prisoners erupted in Syria. The government of President Bashar al-Assad responded with violent crackdowns using the Syrian Armed Forces and eventually escalated to using heavy weaponry and military tactics to suppress dissent. This harsh response led to defectors from the military forming the Free Syrian Army and other rebel groups to take up arms against the government forces.

Major factions and external actors[edit | edit source]

The Syrian Civil War has seen a wide variety of combatants, the main ones being the Syrian government and its allies, various rebel factions, ISIL, and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). External actors include Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, supporting the Syrian government, while the United States, Turkey, and several Gulf states have supported various opposition groups.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The war has had a devastating impact on Syria's population, infrastructure, and economy. It has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions, causing a major refugee crisis with implications across the region and Europe. The conflict has also been marked by numerous human rights violations, including chemical weapon attacks, war crimes, and massive civilian suffering.

International reactions and peace efforts[edit | edit source]

International reactions have varied with multiple attempts at peace talks and ceasefires, most notably the Geneva peace talks on Syria and the Astana peace process. However, these efforts have largely failed to bring about a significant reduction in violence.

Current status[edit | edit source]

As of now, the conflict remains largely stalemated, with the Syrian government having regained control of most of the country's key areas but significant portions still under the control of various opposition groups and autonomous administrations. Template:Asia-military-stub


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD