Tanana Chiefs Conference

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Tanana Chiefs Conference Main Campus Fairbanks Alaska
2019 09 02-

Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) is a non-profit organization that represents Native Alaskan tribes and communities in the interior region of Alaska. It serves as a consortium of 42 Alaska Native villages and tribes, providing a variety of health, social, and other services to the people in its region. The organization plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights and well-being of the Native populations it represents, working towards economic development, education, and cultural preservation among its many objectives.

History[edit | edit source]

The origins of the Tanana Chiefs Conference trace back to 1915 when Chief Thomas of Tanana, Chief Charlie of Minto, and other Native leaders from the interior of Alaska gathered to address the U.S. government's neglect of their people and lands. This historic meeting marked the beginning of organized advocacy for the rights and welfare of the interior Native Alaskan communities. Over the decades, TCC has evolved from a loose coalition of leaders advocating for Native rights into a comprehensive service organization.

Mission and Services[edit | edit source]

The mission of the Tanana Chiefs Conference is to provide a unified voice for the tribes it represents, promoting self-determination and cultural preservation while delivering a wide range of services. These services include but are not limited to:

  • Health care services, including primary care, dental, behavioral health, and substance abuse treatment.
  • Education and training programs aimed at enhancing employment opportunities.
  • Social services, including child welfare and family support services.
  • Legal services to protect the rights and interests of Native Alaskan individuals and tribes.
  • Environmental protection and natural resource management to ensure sustainable use of the lands and resources traditional to the Native communities.

Governance[edit | edit source]

The governance structure of the Tanana Chiefs Conference includes a Board of Directors composed of representatives from each member village and tribe. This board meets annually to set policy, review progress, and guide the direction of the organization. The day-to-day operations are managed by a President/CEO, who is responsible for implementing the board's policies and overseeing the organization's various programs and services.

Cultural Preservation[edit | edit source]

A significant aspect of TCC's work is its commitment to cultural preservation and revitalization. This includes supporting traditional practices, languages, and ceremonies, as well as promoting education about the history and culture of the Alaska Natives it represents. Through various programs and initiatives, TCC seeks to strengthen the cultural identity and heritage of the Native communities in the interior of Alaska.

Challenges and Future Directions[edit | edit source]

The Tanana Chiefs Conference faces numerous challenges, including addressing the health disparities and economic development needs of the communities it serves. Climate change poses a significant threat to the traditional ways of life of many Alaska Native communities, impacting subsistence practices and the natural environment. TCC is actively involved in efforts to mitigate these impacts and adapt to changing conditions.

Looking forward, TCC aims to continue its work in advocating for the rights and welfare of the Alaska Native communities, enhancing service delivery, and promoting cultural preservation and economic development. The organization is committed to working collaboratively with local, state, and federal entities to achieve these goals.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD