Troika (chocolate)

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Troika (chocolate)[edit | edit source]

Troika is a popular chocolate bar produced by the Norwegian company Freia. It has been a staple in the Norwegian chocolate market since its introduction in 1939. The name "Troika" is derived from the Russian word for "trio", reflecting the three distinct layers that make up the bar: jelly, truffle, and marzipan, all coated in a layer of dark chocolate.

History[edit | edit source]

The Troika bar was first introduced by Freia in 1939. Despite the outbreak of World War II, the chocolate bar quickly gained popularity in Norway due to its unique combination of flavors and textures. Over the years, the Troika bar has undergone several changes in its recipe and packaging, but its core components have remained the same.

Composition[edit | edit source]

The Troika bar is composed of three layers, each offering a different taste and texture. The bottom layer is a soft raspberry jelly, followed by a layer of truffle and a layer of marzipan. The entire bar is then coated in a layer of dark chocolate. This combination of flavors and textures is what gives the Troika bar its distinctive taste.

Production[edit | edit source]

The production of Troika bars involves several steps. First, the raspberry jelly layer is prepared and set in molds. Once the jelly has set, the truffle layer is added, followed by the marzipan layer. The assembled bars are then coated in dark chocolate and allowed to set before being packaged for sale.

Popularity[edit | edit source]

The Troika bar is one of the most popular chocolate bars in Norway. Its unique combination of flavors and textures has earned it a loyal following. In addition to being sold in Norway, the Troika bar is also exported to several other countries, including Sweden and Denmark.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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