
Turd Burglars

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Turd Burglars is the fourth episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated television series South Park. The 311th episode of the series overall, it premiered on Comedy Central in the United States on November 27, 2019.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The episode centers around Sheila Broflovski, the mother of main character Kyle Broflovski, who becomes the victim of a fecal transplant gone wrong. After contracting a severe Clostridium difficile infection, Sheila undergoes a fecal transplant, which involves the transfer of stool from a healthy donor into her intestines. The procedure is successful, and Sheila's health improves dramatically.

However, the success of the transplant leads to unforeseen consequences. Sheila's friends and neighbors, envious of her newfound vitality, become obsessed with obtaining fecal transplants themselves. This leads to a series of comedic and absurd events as the townspeople of South Park go to extreme lengths to acquire healthy stool samples.

Meanwhile, Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, and Kenny McCormick become involved in a subplot where they attempt to steal fecal matter from various sources, including a local hospital. Their antics add to the chaos and humor of the episode.

Themes[edit | edit source]

"Turd Burglars" satirizes the growing trend of alternative medical treatments and the lengths to which people will go to achieve perceived health benefits. The episode also explores themes of envy, desperation, and the absurdity of societal fads.

Reception[edit | edit source]

The episode received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some praised its humor and social commentary, while others found the subject matter to be in poor taste. Despite the divided opinions, "Turd Burglars" remains a notable episode for its unique and provocative storyline.

Characters[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

Template:South Park episodes



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