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The first Twiddler model from 1992.png


The Twiddler is a handheld computer input device that combines a keyboard, mouse, and game controller into a single unit. It is designed to be used with one hand, allowing for greater mobility and ease of use in various computing environments. The Twiddler is particularly popular among wearable computing enthusiasts and professionals who require a portable and efficient input method.

History[edit | edit source]

The Twiddler was first introduced in the early 1990s by Handykey Corporation. It was developed to address the need for a compact and versatile input device that could be used in conjunction with wearable computers. Over the years, the Twiddler has undergone several iterations, each improving upon its design and functionality.

Design and Features[edit | edit source]

The Twiddler features a unique chorded keyboard layout, which allows users to press multiple keys simultaneously to generate different characters and commands. This design significantly reduces the number of keys required, making the device more compact. The Twiddler also includes a built-in pointing device, typically a trackball or joystick, enabling users to control the cursor on the screen without needing a separate mouse.

Keyboard[edit | edit source]

The keyboard on the Twiddler is designed for one-handed use, with keys arranged in a manner that allows for efficient typing. The chorded keyboard layout means that users can type all standard alphanumeric characters, as well as perform various keyboard shortcuts and commands, by pressing combinations of keys.

Pointing Device[edit | edit source]

The pointing device integrated into the Twiddler allows for precise cursor control. Depending on the model, this may be a trackball, joystick, or other similar mechanism. This feature eliminates the need for a separate mouse, making the Twiddler an all-in-one input solution.

Customization[edit | edit source]

The Twiddler is highly customizable, with users able to remap keys and create custom macros to suit their specific needs. This flexibility makes it a popular choice among programmers, gamers, and other professionals who require a tailored input experience.

Applications[edit | edit source]

The Twiddler is used in a variety of applications, including wearable computing, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Its compact size and versatile functionality make it ideal for use in environments where traditional input devices are impractical.

Wearable Computing[edit | edit source]

In the field of wearable computing, the Twiddler is often paired with head-mounted displays and other wearable devices to create a fully portable computing setup. This allows users to interact with their computers while on the move, without the need for a traditional keyboard and mouse.

Virtual and Augmented Reality[edit | edit source]

The Twiddler is also used in virtual and augmented reality applications, where its compact design and integrated pointing device provide an efficient means of input. Users can navigate virtual environments and interact with digital objects using the Twiddler, enhancing the overall experience.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD