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VAST[edit | edit source]

VAST, which stands for Visual Audio Sensory Theater, is an American alternative rock band formed in 1998 by Jon Crosby. Known for their atmospheric soundscapes and introspective lyrics, VAST has gained a dedicated following over the years.

History[edit | edit source]

VAST was formed in Los Angeles, California, with Jon Crosby as the sole member. Crosby, who had previously been involved in various musical projects, decided to create a band that would allow him to fully express his artistic vision. He released his debut album, "Visual Audio Sensory Theater," in 1998, which received critical acclaim for its unique blend of electronic and rock elements.

The success of the debut album led to the formation of a full band lineup, with Crosby on vocals and guitar, Rowan Robertson on guitar, Justin Cotta on bass, and Steve Clark on drums. This lineup released the band's second album, "Music for People," in 2000. The album featured the hit single "Free," which received significant airplay on alternative rock radio stations.

Over the years, VAST has undergone several lineup changes, with Crosby being the only constant member. Despite these changes, the band has continued to release albums and tour extensively, building a loyal fanbase around the world.

Musical Style[edit | edit source]

VAST's music is characterized by its atmospheric and ethereal sound. The band incorporates elements of alternative rock, electronic music, and industrial rock, creating a unique sonic landscape. Crosby's haunting vocals and introspective lyrics add to the overall atmospheric quality of their music.

Discography[edit | edit source]

  • Visual Audio Sensory Theater (1998)
  • Music for People (2000)
  • Nude (2004)
  • April (2007)
  • Me and You (2009)
  • Making Evening and Night (2014)
  • You Should Have Known I Was Preoccupied (2018)

Legacy[edit | edit source]

VAST's music has had a lasting impact on the alternative rock genre. Their atmospheric soundscapes and introspective lyrics have influenced many artists and bands that followed. The band's dedicated fanbase continues to support their music, ensuring that VAST's legacy endures.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD