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Ventilair–Steria was a professional cycling team that competed in road bicycle racing events. The team was based in Belgium and was active during the early 2000s.

History[edit | edit source]

Ventilair–Steria was established in the early 2000s and quickly became known for its participation in various European cycling competitions. The team was sponsored by Ventilair, a company specializing in ventilation systems, and Steria, an IT services company.

Team Roster[edit | edit source]

The team roster included several notable cyclists who went on to achieve significant success in their careers. Some of the prominent riders who were part of Ventilair–Steria include:

Major Achievements[edit | edit source]

Ventilair–Steria achieved several notable results in various competitions. Some of the major achievements include:

Disbandment[edit | edit source]

The team was disbanded in the mid-2000s due to financial difficulties and the withdrawal of sponsorship. Many of the riders went on to join other professional cycling teams.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Despite its relatively short existence, Ventilair–Steria left a lasting impact on the cycling world. The team's focus on developing young talent and its competitive spirit are remembered by cycling enthusiasts.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD