WHO Centre for Health Development

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WHO Centre for Health Development (WKC) is an integral part of the World Health Organization (WHO), focusing on the development of health through research, policy support, and capacity building. Established in 1995 and located in Kobe, Japan, the Centre plays a pivotal role in addressing complex health issues that are often influenced by rapid urbanization, aging populations, and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles.

Mission and Objectives[edit | edit source]

The mission of the WHO Centre for Health Development is to advance the understanding of how global trends impact health outcomes and to develop strategies that promote health equity and sustainable development. Its objectives include:

  • Conducting research on global health challenges with a focus on non-communicable diseases, health emergencies, and the social determinants of health.
  • Providing technical support to Member States to implement evidence-based policies and interventions.
  • Enhancing the capacity of health systems to address the needs of urban populations and aging societies.
  • Promoting international collaboration and knowledge exchange on health development issues.

Key Areas of Work[edit | edit source]

The WKC focuses on several key areas of work, including:

  • Urban Health: Research and policy development aimed at improving health in rapidly urbanizing areas.
  • Aging and Health: Strategies to support healthy aging and address the health care needs of older populations.
  • Health Emergencies: Preparedness and response strategies for health emergencies, including pandemics and natural disasters.
  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Prevention and control of NCDs through lifestyle changes and health system strengthening.

Publications and Resources[edit | edit source]

The Centre produces a wide range of publications and resources, including research reports, policy briefs, and guidelines that are instrumental for health professionals, policymakers, and researchers. These materials aim to provide evidence-based recommendations and best practices for health development.

Collaboration and Partnerships[edit | edit source]

Collaboration is a cornerstone of the WKC's approach to health development. The Centre works closely with other WHO departments, international organizations, academic institutions, and civil society to foster partnerships that enhance global health outcomes.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The WHO Centre for Health Development plays a crucial role in addressing the complex health challenges of the 21st century. Through its research, policy support, and capacity-building initiatives, the WKC contributes to the creation of healthier societies worldwide, particularly in the face of urbanization and demographic changes.

WHO Centre for Health Development Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD