War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient

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Bashan salient

== War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient ==

The War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient was a series of military engagements that took place during the broader War of Attrition between Israel and Syria from 1967 to 1970. This conflict occurred in the Bashan Salient, a strategically significant area in the Golan Heights.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Six-Day War of 1967 resulted in Israel capturing the Golan Heights from Syria. The Bashan Salient became a focal point of military activity due to its strategic importance, providing a vantage point over the surrounding regions. The War of Attrition was characterized by intermittent fighting, artillery duels, and limited ground engagements aimed at wearing down the opponent.

Military Engagements[edit | edit source]

The conflict in the Bashan Salient involved frequent artillery exchanges and small-scale skirmishes. Both sides aimed to inflict maximum damage on the other while minimizing their own casualties. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fortified their positions and conducted retaliatory strikes against Syrian positions.

Key Battles[edit | edit source]

  • Battle of Tel Faher: One of the notable engagements where Israeli forces repelled a Syrian attack, maintaining control over the strategic high ground.
  • Artillery Duels: Continuous artillery exchanges were a hallmark of the conflict, with both sides attempting to disrupt the other's supply lines and fortifications.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient had significant implications for the broader conflict between Israel and Syria. It demonstrated the strategic importance of the Golan Heights and underscored the challenges of maintaining control over contested territories. The conflict also highlighted the limitations of attritional warfare, as neither side could achieve a decisive victory.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The War of Attrition officially ended in 1970 with a ceasefire agreement. However, the tensions in the Bashan Salient and the broader Golan Heights region persisted, eventually leading to further conflicts, including the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD