Weld Club

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The Weld Club is a prestigious social club located in Perth, Western Australia. Established in 1871, it is one of the oldest clubs in the region. The club is named after Sir Frederick Aloysius Weld, the sixth Governor of Western Australia.

History[edit | edit source]

The Weld Club was founded by a group of influential men in the colony of Western Australia. The club's original purpose was to provide a place for these men to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest. Over the years, the club has evolved to become a hub for social and business networking.

Location[edit | edit source]

The Weld Club is situated in a heritage-listed building on the corner of Barrack Street and The Esplanade in Perth. The building, which was completed in 1892, is a fine example of Victorian architecture.

Membership[edit | edit source]

Membership to the Weld Club is by invitation only. Prospective members must be proposed and seconded by existing members, and then approved by the club's committee. The club has a strict dress code and code of conduct that all members are expected to adhere to.

Facilities[edit | edit source]

The Weld Club offers a range of facilities for its members, including a dining room, bar, library, billiards room, and private meeting rooms. The club also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as dinners, lectures, and wine tastings.

Notable Members[edit | edit source]

Over the years, the Weld Club has had many notable members, including several Governors of Western Australia, prominent business leaders, and distinguished professionals.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  • The Weld Club: A History, by John Bird (2001)
  • Perth: A Guide to Buildings and Areas, 1837-1940, by John Bird and Ron Facius (1986)

External Links[edit | edit source]


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