Zygoma reduction plasty

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Zygoma Reduction Plasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at reducing the prominence of the zygomatic bones, commonly known as the cheekbones, to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing facial contour. This procedure is particularly popular in East Asia, where a softer, more oval facial shape is often desired over a more angular and pronounced cheekbone structure. Zygoma reduction plasty can significantly alter the facial structure and is considered by those seeking to soften the angles of their faces for reasons ranging from personal aesthetics to professional demands.

Indications[edit | edit source]

Zygoma reduction plasty is indicated for individuals who feel that their cheekbones are too prominent, leading to a harsh or overly angular facial appearance. This can be due to genetic factors, aging, or previous trauma to the facial area. Patients seeking this procedure typically desire a softer, more feminine facial contour, although it is sought after by individuals of all genders for various aesthetic reasons.

Procedure[edit | edit source]

The procedure involves the surgical reduction of the zygomatic arch and body. It can be performed through intraoral incisions, external incisions near the hairline, or a combination of both, depending on the extent of reduction desired and the specific technique employed by the surgeon. The zygomatic bone is carefully cut, repositioned, and then secured in its new position with titanium plates and screws to achieve the desired facial contour. The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and can take several hours to complete.

Risks and Complications[edit | edit source]

As with any surgical procedure, zygoma reduction plasty carries risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, asymmetry, nerve damage leading to facial numbness or weakness, and dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. There is also a risk of damage to the surrounding structures, including the eyes and the maxillary sinus. A thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential to understand these risks fully and to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for the individual.

Recovery[edit | edit source]

Recovery from zygoma reduction plasty varies among individuals but generally involves a significant period of swelling and bruising, which can last several weeks. Pain and discomfort can be managed with prescribed medications. Most patients are advised to take at least two weeks off from work and to avoid strenuous activities for up to six weeks. Follow-up visits with the surgeon are crucial to monitor the healing process and to address any concerns that may arise.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Zygoma reduction plasty is a complex cosmetic procedure that can dramatically change the shape of the face. It requires a high level of skill and experience from the surgeon, as well as a clear understanding of the patient's aesthetic goals. While it can provide significant benefits for those seeking a softer facial contour, it is important for potential candidates to carefully consider the risks and to have realistic expectations about the outcomes.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD