1664 (beer)

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Kronenbourg Beer Bottle

1664 is a brand of beer produced by Brasseries Kronenbourg, which is part of the Carlsberg Group. The beer was first brewed in 1952 in the Alsace region of France, and it was named after the year the brewery was founded. 1664 is known for its fine quality and unique taste, which has helped it to become one of the most popular French beers, both domestically and internationally.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of 1664 dates back to the establishment of the Kronenbourg Brewery in 1664 by Geronimus Hatt in Strasbourg, which was then part of the Holy Roman Empire. The brewery has a long tradition of beer making, and over the centuries, it has become synonymous with quality brewing in France. The introduction of the 1664 beer in the mid-20th century marked a significant milestone for the brewery, as it aimed to create a premium lager that could compete on an international level.

Production[edit | edit source]

1664 is brewed using a blend of hops, malt, and water, with a specific emphasis on the Strisselspalt hop, also known as the caviar of hops. This particular hop is renowned for its fine aroma and is grown primarily in Alsace. The brewing process and the ingredients used contribute to 1664's distinctive flavor profile, which is characterized by a balanced bitterness and a subtle citrus aroma.

Varieties[edit | edit source]

Over the years, Brasseries Kronenbourg has expanded the 1664 range to include several varieties, catering to a wide range of taste preferences. Some of the notable varieties include:

  • 1664 Blanc: A wheat beer with a fruity and citrus flavor, often served with a slice of lemon or orange.
  • 1664 Gold: A stronger lager with a deeper malt flavor.
  • 1664 Rosé: A beer with a hint of raspberry, offering a sweet and refreshing taste.

International Presence[edit | edit source]

1664 has established a strong international presence and is exported to numerous countries around the world. It is particularly popular in European markets, but it has also found success in North America, Asia, and Australia. The brand's global appeal can be attributed to its quality, the prestige of French brewing traditions, and effective marketing campaigns.

Marketing[edit | edit source]

The marketing of 1664 has often focused on its French heritage, emphasizing the tradition, craftsmanship, and lifestyle associated with France. The brand has been involved in various sponsorships and advertising campaigns that highlight its premium quality and sophistication.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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