2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (also known as 2,4,5-T) is a synthetic herbicide used primarily to control broadleaf weeds. It was widely used during the mid-20th century, but has been phased out in many countries due to its toxicity and potential for causing environmental damage.

History[edit | edit source]

2,4,5-T was first synthesized in 1946 by a team of scientists at the University of Chicago. It was initially used as a defoliant during the Vietnam War, where it was mixed with another herbicide, 2,4-D, to create Agent Orange.

Uses[edit | edit source]

2,4,5-T was primarily used as a herbicide to control broadleaf weeds in cereal crops, pastures, and orchards. It was also used in the production of Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam War.

Health Effects[edit | edit source]

Exposure to 2,4,5-T can cause a variety of health effects, including skin and eye irritation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and in severe cases, unconsciousness. Long-term exposure can lead to more serious health problems, such as cancer and damage to the liver, kidneys, and nervous system.

Environmental Impact[edit | edit source]

2,4,5-T is highly toxic to aquatic life and can cause long-term damage to the environment. It is also persistent in the environment, meaning it does not break down easily and can remain in the soil and water for many years.

Regulation[edit | edit source]

Due to its toxicity and potential for environmental damage, the use of 2,4,5-T has been banned or restricted in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD