2010 Lörrach hospital shooting

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== 2010 Lörrach hospital shooting ==

The 2010 Lörrach hospital shooting was a tragic event that occurred on September 19, 2010, in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The incident involved a shooting spree at the St. Elisabethen Hospital, resulting in multiple casualties and injuries.

Background[edit | edit source]

Lörrach is a town in the southwest of Germany, near the borders of Switzerland and France. The town is known for its peaceful environment and is part of the Baden-Württemberg state.

The Incident[edit | edit source]

On the afternoon of September 19, 2010, a woman armed with a pistol entered the St. Elisabethen Hospital in Lörrach. Prior to the hospital attack, the perpetrator had set fire to her apartment, which led to an explosion. The explosion resulted in the deaths of her partner and their five-year-old son.

After setting the fire, the woman proceeded to the nearby hospital, where she opened fire, killing a male nurse and injuring several others. The police responded quickly to the scene, and the perpetrator was shot and killed by the police during the confrontation.

Casualties[edit | edit source]

The shooting resulted in the deaths of four individuals, including the perpetrator. Several others were injured, some critically. The quick response by the police likely prevented further casualties.

Investigation[edit | edit source]

The investigation revealed that the perpetrator was a 41-year-old lawyer who had been experiencing personal and professional difficulties. The motive behind the attack was believed to be related to these issues, although the exact reasons remain unclear.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The 2010 Lörrach hospital shooting shocked the local community and the nation. It led to discussions about security measures in public places, particularly hospitals, and the need for better mental health support.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Related Pages[edit | edit source]



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD