2014 Oregon Ballot Measure 92

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Oregon 2014 Measure 92

2014 Oregon Ballot Measure 92, officially known as the Oregon Mandatory Labeling of GMOs Initiative, was a highly contested ballot measure in the U.S. state of Oregon during the November 2014 general elections. This measure sought to mandate the labeling of certain food products that were produced with or contained genetically modified organisms (GMOs), making Oregon one of the states at the forefront of the GMO labeling debate in the United States.

Background[edit | edit source]

The initiative was part of a broader national conversation about the safety, environmental, and health impacts of GMO foods and the consumer's right to know about the ingredients in their food. Prior to the vote in Oregon, several other states had proposed similar measures, but none had successfully passed a GMO labeling law through a public vote, although some had enacted legislation through their state legislatures.

Provisions[edit | edit source]

Measure 92 required that raw and packaged foods sold in Oregon retail outlets that were entirely or partially produced with genetic engineering be labeled as such. The measure aimed to increase transparency for consumers, allowing them to make informed decisions about the products they purchase and consume.

Campaign[edit | edit source]

The campaign surrounding Measure 92 was one of the most expensive in Oregon's history for a ballot measure. It featured strong campaigning from both supporters and opponents of the measure.

Supporters[edit | edit source]

Supporters argued that labeling GMO foods was a matter of consumer rights and transparency. They believed that individuals had the right to know what was in their food to make informed choices about their health and the environment. Major supporters included consumer rights organizations, environmental groups, and organic food companies.

Opponents[edit | edit source]

Opponents of the measure, including some large biotech companies and food industry groups, argued that the labeling requirement would be costly to implement and lead to higher food prices for consumers. They also contended that GMO foods have been proven safe by scientific studies and that mandatory labeling would mislead consumers into thinking GMO foods were inferior or harmful.

Outcome[edit | edit source]

The measure was narrowly defeated, with 50.03% voting against and 49.97% in favor, a difference of just a few thousand votes out of more than 1.5 million cast. The close result led to a recount, but the original outcome was upheld.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The defeat of Measure 92 did not end the GMO labeling debate in the United States. It continued to be a contentious issue, with some states considering similar measures and others enacting labeling laws through legislative processes. The federal government also began to consider nationwide standards for GMO labeling, culminating in the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, which was signed into law in July 2016.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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