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Anussati (Pali: anussati, Sanskrit: anusmṛti) refers to the practice of recollection or mindfulness in Buddhism. It involves the mindful recollection of certain qualities or themes that are considered beneficial in the Buddhist path to enlightenment. Anussati is often practiced as a form of meditation that helps to cultivate specific mental qualities, deepen faith in the Dharma, and maintain a focus on spiritual goals.

Themes of Anussati[edit | edit source]

There are traditionally ten themes of anussati, each serving as a focal point for meditation and reflection:

  1. Buddha-anussati: Recollection of the Buddha's virtues, such as his great wisdom, compassion, purity, and the fact that he is a self-enlightened teacher.
  2. Dharma-anussati: Reflection on the teachings of the Buddha, emphasizing the truth and effectiveness of his doctrine.
  3. Sangha-anussati: Contemplation of the virtues of the Sangha, the community of noble disciples who have followed the Buddha's path successfully.
  4. Sīla-anussati: Recollection of one's own moral conduct, which brings joy and confidence.
  5. Cāga-anussati: Reflection on one's own generosity and acts of giving, which enhances feelings of joy and personal satisfaction.
  6. Deva-anussati: Contemplation of the qualities of celestial beings, which inspires the practitioner to develop similar virtues.
  7. Death-anussati: Mindfulness of death, a reminder of the impermanence of life and the urgency of practice.
  8. Body-anussati: Reflection on the impurity of the body to reduce attachment and aversion.
  9. Breath-anussati: Mindfulness of breathing, a common form of meditation that calms the mind and develops concentration.
  10. Peace-anussati: Contemplation of the peace of Nibbana (Nirvana), the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice.

Practice[edit | edit source]

The practice of anussati can be undertaken by anyone regardless of their level of experience in meditation. It typically involves the repetition of specific phrases or contemplation of certain themes that align with the ten recollections. This practice helps to stabilize the mind and orient it towards spiritual qualities and goals.

Benefits[edit | edit source]

The benefits of anussati include the cultivation of calmness, concentration, and insight. Additionally, these recollections help to counteract negative mental states such as greed, anger, and delusion by fostering wholesome qualities like faith, mindfulness, and wisdom.

In the Buddhist Texts[edit | edit source]

Anussati is mentioned in numerous Pali Canon texts, where it is presented as a means to cultivate wholesome states of mind and to maintain a connection with the fundamental teachings of Buddhism. It is often recommended as a daily practice for both monastic and lay followers.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD