BRFSS data in Missouri

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Location Topic Question Data_Value Age(years) Education Gender Income Race/Ethnicity GeoLocation
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 38.1 Other (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 35.4 Hispanic (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 44.9 35 - 44 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 33.1 $25,000 - $34,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 17.4 Female (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 30.9 35 - 44 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 24.8 Non-Hispanic White (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 49.1 18 - 24 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 26.7 Hispanic (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 28.9 Less than $15,000 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 17.4 Asian (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 16.8 Data not reported (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 26.1 Less than $15,000 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 39.3 High school graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 32.1 Data not reported (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 42.7 35 - 44 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 13.6 Asian (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 19.9 Asian (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 43.1 $15,000 - $24,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 23 Some college or technical school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 42.8 $75,000 or greater (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 45.8 Less than $15,000 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 35.2 $75,000 or greater (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 24.9 Male (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 13.8 College graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 29.5 Less than high school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 48.5 Male (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 28.2 55 - 64 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 38.2 2 or more races (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 28.8 $15,000 - $24,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 41.1 $35,000 - $49,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 23.5 Asian (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 15.7 $75,000 or greater (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 44.3 25 - 34 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 37.8 Male (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 21.8 Male (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 47.5 American Indian/Alaska Native (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32.9 45 - 54 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 36.8 Non-Hispanic White (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 20.1 Data not reported (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 48 High school graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 28.2 $15,000 - $24,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 25.3 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 32.9 American Indian/Alaska Native (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 40.5 Some college or technical school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.5 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 33.2 High school graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 32.6 Other (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 26.5 Hispanic (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 15 American Indian/Alaska Native (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 36.5 25 - 34 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 16.4 45 - 54 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 34.7 65 or older (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 31.8 $50,000 - $74,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 38.6 Female (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 21.5 18 - 24 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 20.3 25 - 34 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 28.1 Female (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 23.2 Hispanic (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 38.5 65 or older (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 41.7 Less than $15,000 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 25.4 $35,000 - $49,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 18.6 $50,000 - $74,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 20.1 Some college or technical school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 40.6 Data not reported (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 29.8 $25,000 - $34,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 23.5 High school graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 31.2 Some college or technical school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 22.9 $25,000 - $34,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 30.5 College graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 37.3 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32.3 Non-Hispanic White (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 40.3 $50,000 - $74,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 19.8 $75,000 or greater (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 39.8 Less than high school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 35.9 55 - 64 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32.4 2 or more races (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 18.8 25 - 34 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 44.8 $35,000 - $49,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 45.7 Some college or technical school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.5 35 - 44 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 36.6 Female (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 38.4 Less than $15,000 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 45.4 2 or more races (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 45.1 Non-Hispanic White (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 44.3 Non-Hispanic Black (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 20.2 2 or more races (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 42.3 55 - 64 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 33.5 College graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 17.9 18 - 24 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 44.9 Less than high school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 20.5 35 - 44 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 27.3 Non-Hispanic Black (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 47.4 $25,000 - $34,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.1 2 or more races (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 43.4 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 35.8 Male (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.3 55 - 64 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 41.5 55 - 64 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32.8 Non-Hispanic Black (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 30.9 $35,000 - $49,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 32.5 65 or older (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 35 College graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.1 $35,000 - $49,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 15.5 Other (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 37.8 American Indian/Alaska Native (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 22.5 $50,000 - $74,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 32.1 High school graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 18.7 Non-Hispanic White (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 26.3 18 - 24 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 45.3 45 - 54 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 43.4 $15,000 - $24,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 22.2 Less than high school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 29 Other (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 14.7 Asian (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 40.2 Non-Hispanic Black (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 30.2 25 - 34 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 43.2 Hispanic (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 43.8 $50,000 - $74,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily 48.6 $15,000 - $24,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 23.8 45 - 54 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 39.3 Less than high school (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 13.6 College graduate (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 25.4 18 - 24 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 33 American Indian/Alaska Native (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 35.7 65 or older (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 37.2 $75,000 or greater (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 43.6 45 - 54 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 19.3 65 or older (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming fruit less than one time daily Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have an overweight classification 33.7 Data not reported (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Obesity / Weight Status Percent of adults aged 18 years and older who have obesity 39.8 $25,000 - $34,999 (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 25.6 Female (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Physical Activity - Behavior Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity 29.8 Non-Hispanic Black (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)
Missouri Fruits and Vegetables - Behavior Percent of adults who report consuming vegetables less than one time daily 17.8 Other (38.635790776000476, -92.56630005299968)

Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD