Bartosz Arłukowicz

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Bartosz Ar%C5%82ukowicz Sejm 2016

Bartosz Arłukowicz (born December 30, 1971) is a Polish politician and physician. He is a member of the European Parliament and has previously served as the Minister of Health in Poland. Arłukowicz is affiliated with the Civic Platform party.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Bartosz Arłukowicz was born in Resko, Poland. He graduated from the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, where he earned his degree in medicine. He specialized in pediatrics and worked as a pediatrician before entering politics.

Political Career[edit | edit source]

Arłukowicz began his political career as a member of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). He was elected to the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament, in 2007. During his tenure, he was known for his work on health policy and social issues.

In 2011, Arłukowicz joined the Civic Platform party and was appointed as the Minister of Health by then-Prime Minister Donald Tusk. He served in this role until 2015, focusing on healthcare reforms and improving the accessibility of medical services in Poland.

European Parliament[edit | edit source]

In 2019, Bartosz Arłukowicz was elected as a Member of the European Parliament. He serves on the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, where he continues to advocate for health-related issues at the European level.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

Arłukowicz is married and has two children. He is known for his dedication to both his medical and political careers, balancing his professional responsibilities with his family life.

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