
Bass Strait

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Bass Strait is a sea strait separating the island state of Tasmania from the Australian mainland, specifically the state of Victoria. The strait was named after George Bass, an early explorer of the region.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Bass Strait is approximately 240 kilometers wide at its narrowest point and has an average depth of 50 meters. The strait is known for its treacherous waters, which are influenced by the Roaring Forties winds and strong tidal currents. The strait contains several islands, including King Island and the Furneaux Group.

History[edit | edit source]

The strait was first navigated by Europeans in the late 18th century. George Bass and Matthew Flinders were among the first to explore the area in 1798-1799. Their exploration confirmed that Tasmania was an island, separate from the Australian mainland.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Bass Strait is a significant economic region for Australia. It is a major route for shipping and transportation between Tasmania and the mainland. The strait is also known for its rich fishing grounds, particularly for rock lobster and scallops. Additionally, the region has substantial oil and natural gas reserves, with several offshore platforms operating in the area.

Environment[edit | edit source]

The strait's environment is diverse, with a range of marine habitats. It is home to various species of fish, marine mammals, and seabirds. The waters of Bass Strait are also known for their kelp forests and seagrass beds, which provide important habitats for marine life.

Transportation[edit | edit source]

Several ferry services operate across Bass Strait, connecting Tasmania with Victoria. The most notable of these is the Spirit of Tasmania, which runs between Melbourne and Devonport. Air travel is also a common mode of transportation across the strait, with flights operating between major cities in Tasmania and the mainland.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]


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