
Beauty of Kent (apple)

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

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Beauty of Kent is a variety of apple that was once widely cultivated in the United Kingdom, particularly in Kent, from which it derives its name. This apple variety is known for its large size and attractive appearance, featuring a greenish-yellow skin that is flushed with red. The Beauty of Kent apple is primarily used for cooking due to its sharp flavor, which becomes milder and more palatable when cooked.

History[edit | edit source]

The Beauty of Kent apple has a rich history dating back to the 19th century. It was first introduced in the early 1800s and quickly gained popularity for its size and cooking qualities. Despite its initial popularity, the variety has seen a decline in cultivation in recent years, overshadowed by more commercially viable and disease-resistant varieties.

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

The Beauty of Kent apple is distinguished by its large size and attractive coloration. The skin of the apple is predominantly greenish-yellow with a red flush, making it visually appealing. The flesh of the apple is white, firm, and juicy, with a sharp taste that mellows when cooked, making it ideal for pies, sauces, and other cooked dishes.

Cultivation[edit | edit source]

Cultivating the Beauty of Kent apple requires similar conditions to other apple varieties. It prefers well-drained, fertile soil and a location that receives full sunlight. The tree is known for its vigorous growth and can reach a considerable size, making it necessary to provide ample space for growth. Pruning and thinning are essential practices to ensure healthy growth and fruit production.

Culinary Uses[edit | edit source]

The sharp flavor of the Beauty of Kent apple makes it less suitable for fresh consumption but excellent for culinary uses. It is particularly favored for making apple pies, where its flavor can complement the sweetness of the pie. Additionally, it is used in making apple sauce, ciders, and other cooked apple dishes.

Current Status[edit | edit source]

The Beauty of Kent apple is not as widely grown as it once was, with commercial growers favoring varieties that are more disease-resistant and have a longer shelf life. However, it remains a favorite among apple enthusiasts and is sometimes found in heritage orchards and gardens dedicated to preserving historic and rare fruit varieties.


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