Burn center

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Burn Center

A burn center or burn care facility is a type of healthcare facility that specializes in the treatment and care of patients with burns. These centers provide comprehensive, specialized care for burn injuries from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

History[edit | edit source]

The concept of a specialized burn center originated in the mid-20th century, following the significant number of burn injuries sustained during World War II. The first burn center was established by Dr. Curtis P. Artz at the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research in 1947.

Function[edit | edit source]

Burn centers are designed to provide the most comprehensive care for burn patients. This includes initial treatment, critical care, wound care, rehabilitation, and plastic surgery if necessary. The multidisciplinary team at a burn center typically includes plastic surgeons, burn specialists, nurses, psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, and social workers.

Classification of Burns[edit | edit source]

Burns are classified based on their severity, which is determined by the depth of the burn, the percentage of the body surface area affected, and the presence of inhalation injury. The three primary classifications are first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns. More severe burns may require treatment at a specialized burn center.

Burn Center Standards[edit | edit source]

In the United States, burn centers must meet specific standards set by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons to be verified as a burn center. These standards include having a dedicated burn unit, a specialized burn team, and the ability to provide comprehensive care from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation[edit | edit source]

Rehabilitation is a critical component of burn care. It begins at the time of injury and continues even after discharge from the burn center. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore function and minimize physical and psychological complications.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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