Côn Đảo

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Côn Đảo is an archipelago located off the southeast coast of Vietnam. It is also known as the Côn Đảo Islands or the Côn Sơn Islands. The archipelago includes 16 mountainous islands and islets, covering a total area of 76 square kilometers. The largest island is known as Côn Sơn Island or Côn Lôn.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of Côn Đảo dates back to the 18th century when the islands were used by the Nguyễn Dynasty as a place to exile political prisoners. The islands were later used by the French colonial administration for the same purpose. The most famous prison on the islands is the Phu Hai Prison, which was known for its harsh conditions and the use of tiger cages to confine prisoners.

During the Vietnam War, the islands were used by the South Vietnamese government and the United States as a prison for captured Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers. Today, many of the old prison buildings have been preserved as part of the Côn Đảo Museum.

Geography and Climate[edit | edit source]

The Côn Đảo Islands are located in the South China Sea, about 185 kilometers from Vũng Tàu and 230 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City. The islands are part of the Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Province.

The islands have a tropical monsoon climate, with two distinct seasons: the rainy season from May to November, and the dry season from December to April. The average temperature ranges from 27 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Flora and Fauna[edit | edit source]

The Côn Đảo Islands are home to a rich variety of flora and fauna. The islands are part of the Côn Đảo National Park, which was established in 1993 to protect the islands' unique biodiversity. The park is home to many rare and endangered species, including the hawksbill turtle and the dugong.

Tourism[edit | edit source]

Tourism is a major industry on the Côn Đảo Islands. The islands are known for their beautiful beaches, clear waters, and abundant marine life, making them a popular destination for snorkeling and diving. Other popular activities include hiking in the national park, visiting the historical prisons, and exploring the local markets and seafood restaurants.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD