

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Cementation is a process in which ions in an aqueous solution are reduced to zero valence by a reducing agent. This process is commonly used in metallurgy to extract metals from their ores and in the field of dentistry for the attachment of dental restorations.

Metallurgical Cementation[edit | edit source]

In metallurgy, cementation is a method of purifying metals by converting them into a more stable form. This is typically achieved by placing a less noble metal in a solution containing ions of a more noble metal. The less noble metal acts as a reducing agent, causing the more noble metal to precipitate out of the solution.

Historical Context[edit | edit source]

The process of cementation has been used since ancient times. One of the earliest known uses was in the production of copper from its ores. The Romans used cementation to produce brass by reacting copper with zinc ores.

Modern Applications[edit | edit source]

Today, cementation is used in the extraction of metals such as gold, silver, and copper. For example, in the Merrill-Crowe process, zinc dust is used to precipitate gold from a cyanide solution.

Dental Cementation[edit | edit source]

In dentistry, cementation refers to the process of attaching a dental restoration, such as a crown or bridge, to a natural tooth or dental implant using a dental cement.

Types of Dental Cements[edit | edit source]

There are various types of dental cements used for different purposes, including:

Procedure[edit | edit source]

The procedure typically involves cleaning the tooth, applying the cement, and then placing the restoration. The cement hardens to form a strong bond between the tooth and the restoration.

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